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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Bellido Chueco


Needs of the current state of the prototype

The current state of the game has incorporated and improved some game features such as ship control, screen resolution, and frame rate optimization, but it still needs to add new features and rework others, such as power-ups, implementing a shooting range more varied and balanced, the implementation of new enemies, obstacles and levels. The game also needs some basic sounds like the player shooting, enemies exploding, and colliding with power-ups.

Officially, the deadline to submit the second prototype is November 21st, and review the feedback on November 28th. We must remember that this will be the last time that we will have feedback from users, so it would be convenient for us to have some of these functions implemented by the 21st.

The final deadline for the prototype is December 12th meaning we only have two extra weeks to finish polishing the game and finish implementing all the levels, all the sound, and the final boss. It should be highlighted that a fully updated Game Design Document must be submitted by this same date.

Second sprint milestones

1. Default basic shooting:

The ship's basic fire should be a blue projectile that travels in a straight line with a fixed fire rate that is neither too slow nor too fast.

2. Power-Ups:

Power-ups need to be varied and make the player see that something has changed on the screen. Each power-up must have fixed stats and their duration should be limited to avoid making the game too easy. The different power-ups can be stacked and triggered at the same time but if the player collides with a power-up that is already active, it will reset the duration time without multiplying the effect of the power-up.

· Triple shot: The triple shot is the firing of three projectiles at the same time, each of them advancing on the screen at different angles, one in a straight line, the second diagonally up, and the last one diagonally down. The fire rate of the triple shot must be higher than that of the basic fire and the projectiles must be of a different colour than the basic fire.

· Enemy chaser: This power-up is a projectile with a spherical shape that moves with less speed than the rest of the shots but that moves directly looking for and chasing the enemy. The fire rate must be greater than the basic shot but less than the triple shot.

· Bomb: This power-up triggers a shock wave that eliminates all enemies on screen thus clearing the player's path. The explosion is triggered only once.

· Laser beam: This power-up unleashes a powerful laser that travels in a straight line destroying and going through everything on the screen. Due to the power of this power-up, its duration should be limited to approximately 5 seconds.

· The rest of the power-ups (extra life and barrier) can remain as they are.

3. Enemies & Obstacles:


Obstacles (All obstacles should destroy the player projectiles)

1. Obstacle cannon: an obstacle that shoots a laser from the top and bottom of the screen depending on where they are placed. This obstacle should fire every 4 seconds cutting the way of the player.

2. Obstacle Mine: Explosive that explodes if the player collides with it.

4. Final Boss:

The final boss will be a large enemy that will appear only at the end of the last level (level 10). This enemy will have 3 different types of shots and 3 weak points to destroy to defeat it. The enemy will start with a basic shot and when one of his weak points is destroyed, it will add another type of shot on top of the existing one to increase the difficulty until all 3 points are destroyed.

The final boss shot types are:

· A large single projectile that travels in a straight line and is instantiated at the same Y position as the player. The fire rate should be medium/high to prevent the game from being too easy.

· Two extra guided projectiles that will be instantiated from the lower and upper corners and will be directed toward the player's position and which the player must dodge. These projectiles must travel at a speed less than the enemy's basic fire and no more projectiles will be instantiated until the current ones are destroyed.

· A massive laser beam that takes almost the entire screen, forcing the player to take cover at the bottom or top of the screen. This laser should not last more than 3 seconds and will be instantiated once every 10 seconds.

5. Levels:


What happen in this level?


The first level should serve as a tutorial, in which the player is taught the basic mechanics of control. The game must be paused three times to tell the player via text that the ship fires automatically, how to use the control across the screen, and inform the player of different power-ups with different effects. Obstacles, enemies, and power-ups must be introduced at this level.


In the second level, only two types of enemies and some basic obstacles will be introduced.


In the third level we will introduce an extra enemy and an extra obstacle.


​In the fourth level all the obstacles will be introduced and it will be an exclusive level of dodging.


In the fifth level all the obstacles and 4 types of enemy


​The sixth level the same as the fifth but increasing the number of enemies


Seventh level the same as the fourth but considerably increased the number of obstacles (dodge level)


Exclusive level of enemies and introduction of all enemies. A large number of enemies. (Enemies only)


All-in except final boss


All-in + final boss

6. Sound FX:



Picking power-up


Main Menu

· Basic shot

· Triple shot

· Chaser shot

· Bomb

· Laser

· Explosion

​· Explosion

​· Triple shot

· Chaser shot

· Bomb

· Laser Beam

· Extra life

· Barrier

· Player projectile destroyed

​· Buttons

7. Audio:

Main Menu

Level 1

​Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Level 7

Level 8

Level 9

Level 10

Theme 1

Theme 2

Theme 3

Theme 4

Theme 2

Theme 3

Theme 4

Theme 2

Theme 3

Theme 4

Theme 5

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